Liability Waiver

Agreement and Terms of Service

This Agreement and Terms of Service are entered into by and between you (sometimes referred to as "Client"), and Madison Fitness Collective (sometimes referred to as “Studio”). The following terms and conditions, together with any documents they expressly incorporate by reference (collectively, the "Agreement"), govern your access to any Madison Fitness Collective class, service, or engagement, as well as your use of including any content, functionality, and services offered on or through (the "Website"), whether as a guest or a registered user. Please read this Agreement carefully. By attending a class, receiving service, or by using the Website, you accept and agree to be bound and abide by this Agreement. If you do not want to agree to this Agreement, you must not access or use the Website, attend a class, or receive a service. 


Booking Policy

To book a class at Madison Fitness Collective, you must have a valid class credit or membership to reserve. To buy an individual class credit or membership, you can either sign up on by using your email and creating a password or if you are already registered, click login to buy a class credit or membership and make your reservation.

You must sign in with the front desk upon arrival. If you do not sign in, we may release your spot in class to another guest. Please do not assume the front desk knows that you are in attendance. Additionally, signing in for other clients is prohibited.

Studio Policies

View our policy page here.

Class Cancellation Policy (applicable to all class purchases)

You must cancel class online or via the mobile app before the start of class and before our late cancel window to avoid a fee.

We do not take cancellations over e-mail or voicemail. If you do not cancel yourself out of class before class starts, before 4 hours, and/or do not show up for class, you will be charged a late cancellation fee. If you are on the waitlist, you may be added to the class up to one hour before the start of class. If you do not plan to come to class, please remove yourself from the waitlist to avoid the late cancellation fee.

Credit & Membership Considerations

You can cancel your membership 30 days in advance of the next auto renewal date. Friendly reminder that your membership will continue renewing until cancelled. Our Annual membership does require a 12 month minimum commitment.

You can place a hold on your membership for one-month-periods at a time.

Please take a look at our package-specific policies. Our class packs must be used by a certain period of time. Some monthly memberships have a minimum commitment.

Membership Cancellation Policy (applicable to memberships only)

You must request to cancel your membership via email at least 30 days before the start of your next billing cycle in order to avoid auto-renewal for the following month. All cancellation requests must be made via email to Note that if you do cancel your membership you may be subject to new pricing terms and conditions when returning to Madison Fitness Collective in the future. Regardless of when you request the cancellation, you can still utilize your membership through the end of the current cycle.

Photo and Video Release

Client hereby grants to the Releasee the absolute and irrevocable right and permission, with respect to the videos and photos that have been and/or will be taken of Client, or in which Client may be included with others, to copyright the same, to use, re-use, publish and re-publish the same in whole or in part, individually or in conjunction with other videos and photos, and in conjunction with any and all media now or hereafter known, and for illustration, promotion, art, advertising and trade, or any other related purpose, and to use Client's name in connection therewith if the Releasee so chooses

Client hereby releases and discharges the Releasee from any and all claims and demands arising out of or in connection with the use of these videos and photos, including without limitation any and all claims for libel or invasion of privacy.

This authorization and release shall inure to the benefit of the shareholders, officers, directors, heirs, legal representatives, licensees, successors, and assigns of the Releasee.

Child Care 

You acknowledge that, as the parent or legal guardian, you assume all risk of injury or harm to the child while the child is at Madison Fitness Collective’s child care program (referred to as “Kids Room”). You agree to fully release, indemnify, defend, and forever discharge Madison Fitness Collective, its owners, staff, employees, and agents of and from all liability, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses, actions, and causes of action in respect of death, injury, loss, or damage to the child, or by the child, howsoever caused, arising out of or to arise by reason of or during the child’s participation in Madison Fitness Collective’s Kid’s Room.

Property Loss

Madison Fitness Collective is in no way responsible for the safekeeping of any personal belongings. I agree that neither I, my heirs, assignees, or legal representative will sue or make any other claims of any kind whatsoever against Madison Fitness Collective, including, but not limited to, its management and staff for property damage or loss.

Risks and Discomforts

There are inherent risks associated with barre work, cardio, strength training, and other forms of vigorous physical activity. Participation in fitness programs may result in acute muscle and/or joint pain, pulled muscles, brief changes in blood pressure, feelings of lightheadedness, dizziness, delayed onset muscle soreness, and conditions including, but not limited to, tendinitis and other discomforts. Participants can and should stop at any point during exercise if they are experiencing discomfort. It is Madison Fitness Collective’s policy to call 911 immediately if a participant is observed to be in distress.

Waiver and Assumption of Liability

You acknowledge and agree that: (i) there are risks associated with any physical activity, the use of exercise equipment, and participation in an exercise program; (ii) participation in Studio and use of exercise equipment is undertaken by you voluntarily; and (iii) such use and participation may include the risk of serious bodily injury or death. You assume all risk associated with the services provided by, or related to, the Releasee.

You understand and acknowledge that neither the Releasee nor their personnel have expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating any health condition. If you experience any illness, injury, discomfort, impairment or other health concern prior to or during a session, you agree to immediately inform Studio personnel of any health concern you may have. 

The Releasee will not be liable for any personal or property injuries, damages, loss or theft, even in the event of negligence, fault or failure to use due care on the part of the Studio, and irrespective of whether such negligence, fault, or failure to use due care is present at the signing of this agreement or takes place thereafter.


Health Policy

You agree to respect the health and safety of others and not come to Madison Fitness Collective if you are feeling unwell or symptoms of a contagious illness. If such circumstances come up, you can email for options on reservation cancellations.

Responsibilities of the Participant

It is necessary to notify your physician of your participation in any exercise program, particularly if you are receiving ongoing care for a health condition. You agree to adhere to any recommendations of the physician with regard to the choice and intensity of exercises you perform. You should not exercise when you are feeling sick or otherwise unwell. You understand that it is your responsibility to notify us of any particular medical conditions you may have and to refrain from using equipment if you have certain allergies to materials such as latex. YOU AGREE THAT YOU ARE PARTICIPATING IN MADISON FITNESS COLLECTIVE’S WORKOUT PROGRAM AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Rules and Regulations

You acknowledge that you have read and understand the Madison Fitness Collective’s Rules and Regulations, a copy of which is available at our front desk.

Pregnant Clients

All pregnant clients (recurring and new) must adhere to any recommendations provided by their physician in regards to the choice and intensity of exercises performed. Pregnant clients understand that it is their responsibility to only perform the exercises and workout routines as prescribed by their physician, and are participating in Madison Fitness Collective’s workout program at their own risk.

Liability Waiver Acknowledgement

Client understands that the activities Client is voluntarily participating in at Madison Fitness Collective or participating events present an inherent risk and Client acknowledges and agrees to assume any and all risks of bodily injury, death, disability, or property damage, whether those risks are known or unknown. Client forever release the Releasee. and their related entities, respective directors, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, and contractors (collectively, “) from any and all actions, claims, or demands that Client, its assigns, heirs, guardians, next of kin, spouse and legal representatives now have, or may have in the future, for injury, death, disability or property damage related to (i) Client's participation in these activities, (ii) the negligence or other acts, whether directly connected to these activities or not, and however caused, by any Releasee, or (iii) the condition of the premises where these activities occur, whether or not Client is then participating in the activities. Client also agrees that it, its assignees, heirs, distributes, guardians, next of kin, spouse and legal representatives will not make a claim against, sue, or attach the property of any Releasee in connection with any of the matters covered by the foregoing release.

Madison Fitness Collective may revise its terms and conditions by updating this posting. By using this Website or our mobile app, you agree to be bound by any such revisions and should therefore periodically visit this page to determine the then current Terms and Conditions to which you are bound.