Meet your


  • Kellian K.


    Favorite format to teach:

    Best thing about MadFitCo:
    Can I say everything? :) The community, the workouts, the motivation, the staff, the messaging… it’s all just the greatest!

    How you stay motivated through a tough class:
    The support I get in the studio from the instructor and those taking class with me.

    You feel most confident when:
    I’m taking care of myself! Taking classes and getting enough sleep does wonders. Slightly hard to come by with two crazy kiddos, but I make those things a priority for myself to be strong and confident both at the studio and as a mama!

    Your go-to coffee order:
    Iced vanilla latte. Always.

    A perfect weekend in Madison looks like:
    Early morning class, breakfast with the kiddos, then out of the house before the chaos begins - hah! We like to find whatever activities Madison has going on. Love that there’s always something to do. :)

  • Kirstie E.

    Favorite format to teach:

    If I’m being forced to choose only one, I would say FIGHT. But(!) teaching FORM continues to humble me and I love that about it.

    Best thing about MadFitCo:
    The supportive environment – there is nothing like it.

    How you stay motivated through a tough class:
    My mantra is “you will never regret a workout,” and I’ve seen the benefits that exercise (and challenging myself) does for my health - it’s 1,000% worth it.

    You feel most confident when:
    I’m prepared, and good to myself and my body.

    Your go-to coffee order:
    Vanilla latte with oat milk.

    A perfect weekend in Madison looks like:
    Starting the day with my 5 minute journal, heading out for a morning workout followed by coffee and a hearty breakfast. Once showered and in a cute outfit, it’s off to the farmers market and/or running errands. Will absolutely squeeze in a dog park visit and perhaps a power nap, then gear up for an evening of any of the following: dinner with friends or family, board games, an addicting TV series or face masks and a book. Most definitely crawling into bed at a reasonable time to fill out my 5 minute journal again and some shut eye. As long as I get some movement in, fresh air, enough sleep, coffee and good food, I’m a happy gal.

  • Tori L.

    Favorite format to teach:

    Best thing about MadFitCo:
    The motto: Own Your Strong. MFC has truly changed the way I view myself, my strength, and my body. I spent years of my life working out for the sole purpose of achieving a certain body type. Today, I’m proud, confident, healthy, and the strongest I’ve ever been. This physical and mental wellbeing wouldn’t have been possible without the support of MFC.

    How you stay motivated through a tough class:
    I stay motivated by feeding off the energy of everyone in class.There’s nothing more inspiring than watching strong, badass friends around you!

    You feel most confident when:
    I’m on the mic! The feeling of leading class and watching clients push their limits is indescribable.

    Your go-to coffee order:
    Plain and simple – iced latte.

    A perfect weekend in Madison looks like:
    Early morning class at MFC, grab a quick coffee, catch up from the work week, a quick nap, followed by dinner (preferably sushi!) and drinks with friends or a casual game night. :)

  • Ana H.

    Favorite format to teach:

    Best thing about MadFitCo:
    The message. I love that we’re here to own our individual and collective strength and celebrate what we have and what we can do.

    How you stay motivated through a tough class:
    The instructors keep me most motivated. I love group fitness because you build off of each other’s energy, and if you can’t do it for yourself, you can do it for the person next to you.

    You feel most confident when:
    I’m teaching! All the energy in the room is definitely a high we chase.

    Your go-to coffee order:
    Caffeine-free girly over here. 🙃 I will enjoy a decaf chai with oat milk though!

    A perfect weekend in Madison looks like:
    Waking up and going to the farmers market, then taking a class at MFC. Tidying up the house and then adventuring outside (if summer, boating) with friends and family. Sneaking in a nap somewhere and finishing out the evening with a meal at Eno Vino and going to bed by 10.

  • Ariana D.

    Favorite format to teach:

    Currently, FORM, but looking forward to teaching more formats in the future!

    Best thing about MadFitCo:
    Our clients! Seeing so many happy faces walk through the door makes my day, everyday. I love encouraging them during class and being a part of their fitness journey. But what I love most, chatting with them after class and getting to know them as people, not just as clients.

    How you stay motivated through a tough class:
    For me, there’s no better feeling than leaving the studio knowing I gave it my all. I love pushing myself past my limits so when things get hard, I remind myself how good that feels.

    You feel most confident when:
    Just after FIGHT, all sweaty in a pink matching set.

    Your go-to coffee order:
    Iced Jamaican cold brew with oat milk.

    A perfect weekend in Madison looks like:
    A perfect weekend always starts with a FIGHT class, followed by brunch with my husband and Eevee at Cafe Hollander (or any outdoor dog-friendly patio). Other perfect weekend essentials — a hike at a local or state park, a trip downtown for a slice of Ian’s and a mango milk bubble tea from Sencha, dinner on the grill and hosting friends at home.

  • Emily G.

    Favorite format to teach:
    FLOW (but excited to train in more!)

    Best thing about MadFitCo:
    The people! Whether you're an instructor, a member, or a guest, MadFitCo makes everyone feel welcome, supported, and empowered!

    How you stay motivated through a tough class:
    I always think of how I'll feel after class. I feel strong and energized after I move my body, and I always feel so accomplished when I'm done.

    You feel most confident when:
    I take care of myself – eat, sleep, hydrate, and don't forget to moisturize!

    Your go-to coffee order:
    Salted caramel cold brew - yum!

    A perfect weekend in Madison looks like:
    A warm summer weekend that includes a trip to the farmers market on the capitol square for fresh produce and Stella's bread and sitting at the terrace enjoying lake views and a cold beer.

  • Kendall W.

    Favorite format to teach:
    FIGHT 👊

    Best thing about MadFitCo:
    The variety of class options!

    How you stay motivated through a tough class:
    I get motivated from the people taking class with me.

    You feel most confident when:
    I stay in a chair!

    Your go-to coffee order:
    Anything iced. 🥤

    A perfect weekend in Madison looks like:
    Dinner at RED sushi. 🍣

  • Mariah D.

    Favorite format to teach:

    Best thing about MadFitCo:
    The community. It is so special to have a place that is not only welcoming to everybody, but offers something for every body to feel strong on any given day.

    How you stay motivated through a tough class:
    Honestly, tough classes will kick my ass enough to have me laying on my back waiting. But the instructors always make me feel like I could keep going for just one more minute. And a good playlist is huge!

    You feel most confident when:
    I am laughing. (Probably tracks with my general commentary). It's the only time there is honestly no space for anything else but joy, and joy and confidence feel sort of synonymous to me.

    Your go-to coffee order:
    Iced dirty chai! Maybe if I am feeling fancy, I will add some vanilla syrup.

    A perfect weekend in Madison looks like:
    It's summer obviously. On Friday, I’ll take an MFC FORM class and then chill on the couch all night. Saturday mornings are for the farmers’ market and eating Stella's hot and spicy cheese bread directly from the bag. It also probably includes a crepe and a coffee from Bradbury's. I love to sleep in on Sundays and get errands done early so I have the rest of the day.

  • Hannah R.

    Favorite format to teach:
    FORM, but also FLEX, totally depends on the day!

    Best thing about MadFitCo:
    COMMUNITY – the community of clients and instructors that support each other endlessly. I love that I can walk into MFC any day, anytime,, and immediately feel safe and supported by everyone.

    How you stay motivated through a tough class:
    The support of the instructor and all the other members of class – I love a good high five from another member in class after a hard part of class to keep you going!

    You feel most confident when:
    When I step into the studio, whether it's behind the mic or just to take class. It is truly my happy and safe place!

    Your go-to coffee order:
    Iced vanilla latte.

    A perfect weekend in Madison looks like:
    Any day in Madison during the summer is perfect to me! But a slow morning at a coffee shop (too many to choose just one), reading a book, followed by a walk by the lake and/or around the capitol, finished with dinner at Bar Corallini and a pitcher at the terrace!

  • Molly W.

    Favorite format to teach:

    It's SO hard to choose, but I LOVE putting together a great FLEX class and seeing it come alive while teaching!

    Best thing about MadFitCo:
    The MFC community is the best thing about MadFitCo! MFC has been such an important part of my life throughout many different transitions. Having the MFC community and studio as a constant, steady, and reliable presence is something I am so thankful for. The amazing people at MadFitCo make it one of my favorite places to enjoy time for myself. :)

    How you stay motivated through a tough class:
    I love zoning out and taking the entire class time just to focus on myself and truly be present in the moment – that is one of my favorite things about taking classes at MFC! I also am very inspired by other people who are taking class with me. Seeing everyone work hard and push themselves to whatever level they need in class is so motivating!

    You feel most confident when:
    I successfully show someone a new skill or teach something new to people. I have always wanted to be an educator from a young age and have taught in many different settings. Now that I'm no longer in a classroom setting, but as an MFC instructor and mom, I always feel great when I can help others learn something new.

    Your go-to coffee order:
    I don't drink coffee, but my go-to dessert order is a Mint Oreo Concrete Mixer from Culver’s. :)

    A perfect weekend in Madison looks like:
    A summer weekend day that starts with an early morning MFC class followed by family time with my husband and girls – most likely spent at the pool or at one of the wonderful Madison parks! Finishing the day with a neighborhood walk and cookout with extended family or friends sounds wonderful!

  • Lexi D.

    Favorite format to teach:

    Best thing about MadFitCo:
    The variety of classes make me excited to mix up my workouts and give me the opportunity to take class with so many amazing instructors

    How you stay motivated through a tough class:
    Listen for the challenges offered and tell myself to take a few during class!

    You feel most confident when:
    I hold on to the weights in FORM for a few more reps than I did the last time. 😂

    Your go-to coffee order:
    Iced Americano with a splash of almond milk.

    A perfect weekend in Madison looks like:
    Class at MadFitCo and the farmers market on the capitol square. A visit to the dog park with Mason and Tenney. Hangout at the Memorial Union with a pitcher watching the sunset. Sleep in Sunday morning and finish off the weekend reading a good book! And have cheese curds somewhere in there.

  • Lilly M.H.

    Favorite format to teach:


    Best thing about MadFitCo:
    The support for all people at all points of their life, even outside of fitness

    How you stay motivated through a tough class:
    Thinking about getting coffee afterward.

    You feel most confident when:
    I take the time to take care of myself, both mentally and physically.

    Your go-to coffee order:
    Always a sweet cold brew (no matter the temp outside).

    A perfect weekend in Madison looks like:
    A walk in my neighborhood with my dogs and husband then going to Batch Bakehouse for pastries and Leopold’s or Lake City Books!

  • Kaylee V.

    Favorite format to teach:
    FIRE30 🔥

    Best thing about MadFitCo:
    The VIBE – it is a "treat" (as my almost-4-year-old would say) to spend any time around the MFC family and feel "cool" while I'm there. 😎

    How you stay motivated through a tough class:
    1. Coffee. 2. Joking around with the people around me.

    You feel most confident when:
    In a FIGHT class, specifically doing a cross punch.

    Your go-to coffee order:
    Red eye with chocolate collagen mixed in. 😈

    A perfect weekend in Madison looks like:
    My kids sleep past 7 a.m. both days, I get jacked on coffee and abandon my kids and husband for workouts classes at MFC (again both days). Then do fun recommendations around town with family and friends! Currently on our Madison bucket list: Lola's, Butterbird, Achieve Gymnastics Center open gym. 🤩

  • Meghan W.

    Favorite format to teach:

    Best thing about MadFitCo:
    The way it makes me feel! It doesn't matter my mood when I walk in, I am always happier when I leave. :)

    How you stay motivated through a tough class:
    I know I am not alone – seeing the other people in the class and hearing the instructor's motivation helps me stay in it.

    You feel most confident when:
    I am surrounded by a supportive community doing what I love!

    Your go-to coffee order:
    Caramel latte.

    A perfect weekend in Madison looks like:
    MadFitCo class in the morning, checking out a coffee shop, hanging out on one of the lakes and spending time with family/friends.

  • Taylor B.

    Favorite format to teach:

    Best thing about MadFitCo:
    I love that you are celebrated for showing up every time you enter the studio. I could be having the best day, a horrible-no-good-very-bad day, or anything in between, and no matter what, MadFitCo leaves me better than it found me.

    How you stay motivated through a tough class:
    I’m a words of affirmation gal so I love when a group fitness instructor can make me feel a genuine personal connection in class. I strive to give that same energy back when I teach by making you feel tougher than the class!

    You feel most confident when:
    I’ve prepared and organized for all the hats I can wear in a day and when I can make someone laugh or make them feel remembered!

    Your go-to coffee order:
    Iced caramel oat milk latte or a flat white

    A perfect weekend in Madison looks like:
    I love a “teach one/take one” combo at MadFitCo, Moka for above said coffee order, a dog walk adventure, pizza for dinner and snuggling up for a movie night!

  • Michelle B.

    Favorite format to teach:
    FIGHT 😝

    Best thing about MadFitCo:
    The community. Life is hard and messy, but MFC is a place to build each other up and be yourself.

    How you stay motivated through a tough class:
    I think of Kellian saying “don’t think, just do” and I tune out the “no” in my mind.

    You feel most confident when:
    Teaching FIGHT and everyone is high-fiving each other and trying new things.

    Your go-to coffee order:
    Matcha latte with oat milk.

    A perfect weekend in Madison looks like:
    MFC morning class, brunch or coffee with some MFC besties. The park with John and Isabelle. Nap and casual dinner with Brian (sans kids, love babysitters).

  • Carrie M.

    Favorite format to teach:
    The one and only FLOW!

    Best thing about MadFitCo:
    The staff and culture. Any studio can teach cool classes, but it’s the people that make you want to experience it again and again.

    How you stay motivated through a tough class:
    I remind myself that my body is capable of so much. I also remind myself to honor what my body is telling me (turn it up, take it easy, rest).

    You feel most confident when:
    I am my authentic self.

    Your go-to coffee order:
    Iced soy latte.

    A perfect weekend in Madison looks like:
    Taking a class or two, coffee or a walk with a best friend, cleaning and relaxing at home with my hubby.

  • Lauren C.

    Favorite class format:


    Best thing about MadFitCo:
    The "Own Your Strong" message. I love how empowering it is to know that you are in the driver's seat of your health and fitness and that the MFC community is always there to support you on the journey.

    How you stay motivated through a tough class:
    Music is highly motivating for me. When I'm struggling, I let the music take me to a different place and carry me through. 

    You feel most confident when:
    I've just finished a killer workout and am drenched in sweat. It truly makes me feel like I have a superpower that I can attack the day with.

    Your go-to coffee order:
    Venti Ice Water :)

    A perfect weekend in Madison looks like:
    Slow mornings with my family, a mid-morning workout and walk with the dog; brunch with friends and/or a Sunday morning outside at Riley Tavern, capped off with Sunday Supper with my brother's family...and Fall & Winter hit - all things Badgers & Packers!

  • Morgyn F.

    Favorite format to teach:
    My favorite format to teach would be FORM. But once I learn FIGHT, I'm sure that will become my favorite!

    Best thing about MadFitCo:
    The best thing about MFC is the people and the environment! I remember taking my first class – everyone was so welcoming and kind. I felt that I could challenge myself in new ways through all the different class formats offered at MFC!

    How you stay motivated through a tough class:
    Music really motivates me! I also stay in tune with my body and how I am feeling throughout class. I love feeling the challenge and how it can differ for me day by day.

    You feel most confident when:
    I feel most confident when I am in a strong and supportive environment, like MFC!

    Your go-to coffee order:
    I'm always a big fan of an oat milk latte or a cold brew with oat milk and vanilla!

    A perfect weekend in Madison looks like:
    A perfect weekend in Madison would be spent at the Capitol Square in the summer, enjoying the farmers market, hitting up my favorite coffee shops and ending the day at Young Blood Beer. (They have the BEST sour beers!)